Bioinformatic tools (continuously updated)

This is a continously updated note about newly published bioinformatic tools. More will be said after trying to use them. Any comments on any of the topics or tools are appreciated.


Covariate-modulated local false discovery rate for genome-wide association studies

Method: SNPs from categories enriched for non-null associations have a lower fdr for a given value of a test statistic than SNPs in unenriched categories. Test dataset: Eight Crohn’s disease substudies as independent training and test datasets.

#Whole Genome Evolution Simulation:


#Phylogeny ####Incongruence among phylogenetic trees: RAxML.

#RNA-seq: ####PRADA: pipeline for RNA sequencing data analysis

####GOssTo: a stand-alone application and a web tool for calculating semantic similarities on the Gene Ontology(Measure the similarity of GO terms in two samples)

Huan Fan /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories notes  tagged with Open lab note  Bioinformatic tools 
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