So you have the metagenome, and you still want the marker genes?

Several tools can be used to pull out reads originating from marker genes from metagenomic sequencing and assemble them. The logic of doing this is that we have a much better database of marker genes than whole genomes. I never had any luck with EMIRGE though I tried several time. Don’t know what was the problem. The iterations never finishes. I haven’t tried REAGO either. Please leave a comment if you like it. Here I am only going to talk about Matam.

The documentation is not great yet and reading issues on its repo has been very helpful. Here is my command: -d database_path/SILVA_128_SSURef_NR95 -i test.fq --cpu n --max_memory 10000 -v --perform_taxonomic_assignment -o test --coverage_threshold 500 

Things to note here:

  1. Only takes single end!
  2. Cannot take gzipped file (maybe I will send a pull requet)
  3. Need to specify --perform_taxonomic_assignment otherwise will only do assembly of 16s contigs. That classification is done by rdp classifier.
  4. --coverage_threshold 500 is very important for big dataset.

With this, for a dataset with about 10G gzipped data, it takes somewhere around 3-7 days to finish. So again setting the coverage threshold helps.

Some explanation on the output

  1. .final_assembly.fa This contains the assembly results of 16s contigs in fasta format. The id of each contig is an unique identifier, followed by the count. The count can be considered as average depth. See a more detailed explanation here.
  2. This is the txt format for the .krona.html. Using krona you can turn this txt format into html. The numbers in the first column of is the count of that contig.
  3. This contains the same information as but in a different format. The first column is the unique identifier of that contig. The numbers after different level of classification is the probability of this contig being that classification.

Some quality control

The author is working on more robust way of filtering low count contigs but for now I am going to do it conservative while brutally, getting rid of any contig with count lower than 1. Snippet of code:

def count_filter_fa(fa,lower):
    import os
    from Bio import SeqIO
    outfile = os.path.splitext(fa)[0] + '_' + str(lower) + os.path.splitext(fa)[1]
    in_rdp = fa.replace('final_assembly','rdp')
    in_rdp = in_rdp.replace('.fa','.tab')
    out_rdp = outfile.replace('final_assembly','rdp')
    out_rdp = out_rdp.replace('.fa','.tab')
    in_krona = in_rdp.replace('rdp','krona')
    out_krona = out_rdp.replace('rdp','krona')
    count_dic = {}
    # filter final_assembly.fa
    with open(outfile, 'w') as outfh:
        for record in SeqIO.parse(fa, 'fasta'):
            count = float(record.description.split('=')[-1])
            if count > lower:
                SeqIO.write(record, outfh, 'fasta')
    # filter
    with open(in_krona) as fh:
        with open(out_krona,'w') as outfh:
            for line in fh:
                if float(line.split()[0]) > lower:
    # filter
    with open(in_rdp) as fh:
        with open(out_rdp,'w') as outfh:
            for line in fh:
                if line.split()[0] in count_dic:

Afterwords if you wish to generate the new krona html file you can run ktImportText -o outfile.html.


One thing I wanted to do but failed to do is to calculate a rarefaction curve based on the 16s contigs assembled by matam and the classification done later by rdp. I was trying to use part of the muthur pipeline. However, this requires me to have a block of perfectly aligned sequences. It did not work for my data, since a lot of my matam assemblies are partial 16s, and there won’t be much if any overlap for the whole dataset.

However there are many other ways of calculating the rarefaction curves. If we insists on using 16s data, the rarecurve function from the vegan package should be sufficient. Microbial ecology is after all community ecology. See a tutorial in R for detailed code.

If the ultimate goal is estimate the depth of the sequencing, it can be done directly from metagenomic sequencing. Several tools are available such as this one.

Huan Fan /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories notes  tagged with phylogeny 
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