GitPages has stopped deploy my posts for a while and I didn’t know why. I was able to see the problem using the debugging mode from the Action, and magically by deleting a file that I didn’t create, it seems to be (partially) working now, with some posts visible and some not. Oh my. Maybe this will take me another 2 years to figure out what is going on.
Anyways. Today I’d like to talk about what to do when you did more
in R than you need to and cannot get back to RStudioGD
aka plotting in the lower right corner of your RStudio console.
Step 1. To save a plot to a file.
You can save it to specific format, say pdf.
> pdf(filename, width, height)
> plot(x,y)
> # shuts down the specified (the current one if not specified) device.
This would return
in the console. This means you will be able to see your plot in the console again.
Step 2. Somehow you messed up.
You might have forgotten to run
or did it twice, anyways, you cannot plot to the console anymore. What do you do?
> # start a new device; default is RStudioGD
> dev.cur() # check out the current device
OK all good again, and welcome back.