2019 Nat Commun Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution

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题目:Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution with multi-subject single-cell expression reference


Knowledge of cell type composition in disease relevant tissues is an important step towards the identification of cellular targets of disease.


We present MuSiC,

MuSic, 好名字,我喜欢。

a method that utilizes cell-type specific gene expression from single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data to characterize cell type compositions from bulk RNA-seq data in complex tissues.


  1. cell-type specific gene expression from single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data

  2. bulk RNA-seq data in complex tissues

输出:cell type compositions

By appropriate weighting of genes showing cross-subject and cross-cell consistency,

首先我们需要genes showing cross-subject (个体之间) and cross-cell (细胞类型之间) consistency,对标我的工作,就是cross-sample and cross-species。然后我们赋予他们权重(of course)。那么问题来了,这个consistency如何measure?

作者也说了,这个“marker gene consistency”是这个工具的一个key concept,那下面我们一起来了解一下吧~

  1. cross-subject consistency: guard against bias in subject selection. 对标我就是我的3个technical replicate.

  2. cross-cell consistency: measures the cell type specificity of genes, guard against biaas in cell capture. 这个我太好measure了,就是shared-by-n.

那这个consistency有啥用呢?“up-weighting genes with low cross-subject variace (informative genes) and down-weighing genes with high cross-subject variance (non-informative genes). 这个我直接就可以用啊!上mix!

“The top ranked non-marker genes… tend to be consistently expressed across subjects, and are highly expressed”, 就是类似house keeping嘛。也就是说那些shared-by-all且highly expressed(比如我的poly A)权重很高,但是因为他们并不是某类cell type所特有,所以并不是传统意义上的marker gene。这跟我的研究很不一样。叶绿体里面kmer的abundance是由于kmer太短导致的,是一种homology,不是orthology。可能更好的方式是更长的k, 然后引入sparsity, 还需要包括每个物种所特有的kmer (目前这个30万的X里面是没有的)。

“However, we note that some of the top-ranked genes are not necessarily marker genes”

What are marker genes?


“These methods rely on pre-selected cell type-specific marker genes”.


For gene g, let Xjg be the total number of mRNA molecules in subject j of the given tissue, which is composed of K cell types. 好的,那X这个矩阵就是mix的矩阵,也就是我们现在代码里的Y.

下面将Xjg展开成与Xjgc的关系,后者是the number of mRNA molecules of gene g in cell (not cell type) c of subject j.

接着是gene g in subject j for cell type k的relative abundance的表示(Eq. 1)

那cross-cell consistency呢?

里面还提到recursive tree-guided deconvolution for closely related cell types, 这个跟我要解决两个closely-related species是一致的。single-cell sequencing真的是矩阵方法宝藏。


  1. 去掉low cross-subject consistency markers
Huan Fan /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories 1paperAday  tagged with liana  single-cell-sequencing 
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