What is a A matrix? A stands for additive, so it is additive relationship matrix derived from pedigree. It is also know as numerator relationship matrix but I do not know why. It is a matrix used in quantitative genetics and animal breeding that represents the expected genetic relationships between individuals in a population. It is calculated using pedigree information and captures the probability that two alleles in two individuals are identical by descent (IBD).
The A matrix usually appears in the random effect part as vcv structure in mixed models. “Statistics prior to animal breeding was not very concerned with predicting random effects. These were somewhat seen as nuisance parameters.” Here nuisance parameters mean that those are not of primary interest but still affect the model and its estimates, which is true in a normal mixed models with random effect.
Here we will follow the R code in Austin Putz’s post.
# create original pedigree
ped <- matrix(cbind(c(3:6), c(1,1,4,5), c(2,0,3,2)), ncol=3)
# change row/col names
rownames(ped) <- 3:6
colnames(ped) <- c("Animal", "Sire", "Dam")
# print ped
This won’t work because in a pedigree, every one in 2nd and 3rd column (parents), needs to be in the first column (we need to know the parents of everyone). Now we have 1,2,3,4,5 in the 2nd and 3rd column, but only 3,4,5 are in the first column, which means we need to add 1 and 2 in the first column. If we do not know their parents, just use 0. Note that pedigree needs to be sorted from oldest (top) to youngest (bottom), meaning parents goes before offsprings.
ped <- matrix(cbind(c(1:6), c(0,0,1,1,4,5), c(0,0,2,0,3,2)), ncol=3)
# change row/column names
rownames(ped) <- 1:6
colnames(ped) <- c("Animal", "Sire", "Dam")
# print matrix
Then it gives the logic for generating the A matrix. Basically you need to generate the off-diagnal first. The relationship between individual 1 and individual 2 is defined as the average relationship between individual 1 and the parents of individual 2:
After you have the off-diagnals, the diagnals are easy:
a_diag=1+0.5(a_sire,a_dam), and since everything in the sire and dam are in column 1, (a_sire, a_dam) is one of the off-diagnal.
The only thing that is in the way is the 0s, when the parents info is unknown.
Let’s look at the code.
createA <-function(ped){
if (nargs() > 1 ) {
stop("Only the pedigree is required (Animal, Sire, Dam)")
# This is changed from Gota's function
# Extract the sire and dam vectors
s = ped[, 2]
d = ped[, 3]
# Stop if they are different lengths
if (length(s) != length(d)){
stop("size of the sire vector and dam vector are different!")
# set number of animals and empty vector
n <- length(s)
N <- n + 1
A <- matrix(0, ncol=N, nrow=N)
# set sires and dams (use n+1 if parents are unknown: 0)
s <- (s == 0)*(N) + s
d <- (d == 0)*N + d
start_time <- Sys.time()
# Begin for loop
for(i in 1:n){
# equation for diagonals
A[i,i] <- 1 + A[s[i], d[i]]/2
for(j in (i+1):n){ # only do half of the matrix (symmetric)
if (j > n) break
A[i,j] <- ( A[i, s[j]] + A[i, d[j]] ) / 2 # half relationship to parents
A[j,i] <- A[i,j] # symmetric matrix, so copy to other off-diag
# print the time it took to complete
cat("\t", sprintf("%-30s:%f", "Time it took (sec)", as.numeric(Sys.time() - start_time)), "\n")
# return the A matrix
return(A[1:n, 1:n])
The first thing to notice is that it starts as a n+1 by n+1 matrix filled with 0. This means unknown relationships are by default 0 unless changed later.
Secondly, it fills by the order of a11, a12, a13 all the way to a16, then a22, a23 to a26, etc. This is why the ordering from old to young is so important. Because the eldest ones are the ones with unkown parents, therefore a11 is always 1 (a77 is 0, 7 for unknown).
Now that we have the A matrix, how do we understand those numbers intuitively?
On the off diagnal:
- “0.5”: a13, a14 and a23 they are parent-offspring, 50% heritance. a15, 1 is the father of 3 and 4, and 5 is the child of 3 and 4, so still 50%.
- “0.25”: a16 = (a1,5 + a1,2)/2 = ((a1,4 + a1,3)/2 + a1,2)/2 = ((0.5 + 0.5)/2 + 0)/2 = 0.25.
- “0”: a12, a24: a12 = (a1,7 + a1,7)/2 = 0. a24=(a2,1 + a2,7)/2 = (0+0)/2 = 0
On the diagnal:
- “1”: a11, a22 and a44: they all have one or two 0 in their parents info, theirfore (a_sire, a_dam) is always 0.
- “1”: a33 = 1 + 0.5 * (a12),
- “1.125”: a55 and a66. This is still in the diagnal, a55=1+0.5 * a34. a34 = (a13 + a37)/2 = (0.5+0)/2, so a55=1+0.5 * 0.25 = 1.125. Same with a66. But What does it mean by exceeding 1? Can think about this in terms of uneven variance in the general least square case.
Now that we know A matrix is vcv matrix where the diagnals are not always 1, you can turn it into relationships(similarities) by dividing the off-diagonal elements by the square roots of the product of the cooresponding diagonals. This is called taking a covariance matrix and reducing it to a correlation matrix. Recall that correlation is standardized covariance. Thus, we call A the numerator(above the line) relationship matrix.
There is a equation for it:
# convert A to actual relationships
A_Rel <- cov2cor(A)
# print matrix
print(round(A_Rel, 4))
How it works is that eventually everything on the diagnal becomes 1. The ones on the offdiagnal are scaled by its related variance. for example, a1,2 will be scalled by a11 an a22: a12_new = a12_old/sqrt(a11 * a22). Apparently this is why the A matrix is called the numerator relationship matrix (a12_old is the numerator).
Indeed when you use the rrBLUP::A.mat(SNP_matrix), the diagnals in the matrix that is returned are not just ones. You can scale it by A = A/mean(diag(A)). This function basically does transposed cross product of the SNP_matrix. therefore a GBLUP model where Z=SNP_matrix is equivalent to K=A.mat(SNP_matrix).
OK I hope know you understand what is happening. The original post is much better than mine!