Huan Fan

I’m a Research Scientist/Bioinformatician at WIL@NUS, a corporate lab between Wilmar International and National University of Singapore. I work on various sequencing-related projects, with a major focus on Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS).

I’ve always worked with high-throuput sequencing data. My PhD thesis at UW-Madison with Dr. Tony Ives was on developing tools for analysing next-generation sequencing data without reference genomes, including phylogenomics and GWAS.

I have another PhD degree from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, where I worked with Dr. Chuck Cannon, Dr. Yann Surget-Groba and Dr. Jin Chen on the coevolution between fig and fig-wasps. XTBG is a tropical paradise and you should come visit sometime.

I also did two Postdocs (I know. I am old). I started to work on microbiome during my first postdoc in the Currie Lab in Department of Bacteriology in University of Wisconsin-Madison. My second postdoc was in the Community Ecology and Conservation group with Dr. Kyle Tomlinson at XTBG, where I worked on taxonomic classification from metagenomic data and host-associated microbiome. I also co-teach the Advanced Statistics Course with Kyle every summer on linear regression focusing on mixed models.

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