Inbreeding coefficient
The inbreeding coefficient is usually referred to as F. As we explained in the IBD vs. IBS post, F is actually the probability of identity-by-decent (IBD) of two alleles. If the two alleles are in the same diploid individual, then F is the inbreeding coefficient of the individual at this locus.
Inbreeding coefficient at locus level
It is defined as 1 - O(f(Aa))/E(f(Aa))
. The expectation is based on Hardy Weinburg Equilibrium. It can be generalized to multi-allelic and polyploidy. See more in this post.
Inbreeding coefficient at individual level
But as you can see in the output of plink --het
, each sample gets a F. It used O(HOM)
, the number of observed homozygous loci (3rd column), and E(HOM)
, the number of expected homozygous loci (4th column), and the total number of loci in the 5th column, N(NM)
, to calculate F, the 5th column using equation (O(HOM) - E(HOM)) / (N(NM) - E(HOM))
. The higher the F, the more inbreed, or more homozygous than expected. O(HOM)
and N(NM)
is easy to count. For a locus with MAF of p
, its E(HOM)
would be 1-2p(1-p)
based on HWE, then we just sum the E(HOM)
up for all the loci where this individual has a genotype, or no missing data. If there is no missing data, the E(HOM)
should be the same for all the individuals.
I was using gcta --make-grm
and the values on the diagnols are supposed to be 1+F. However I find huge discrepency between this value and the F reported in plink --het
and I was wondering why. I tried to follow the Methods on a toy dataset as described in Yang 2011 NG, and I understand they are doing very different things, but the general trend should be the same given the same dataset.