- 2024
Kinship matrix (II) -- GRM
Goodness of Fit
LD Prunning
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Variable, Covariables and Covariates.
Heritability and how to estimate
One Liners for StatsQuest Fundamentals
Variance, Covariance, Correlation, Variation and Covariation
Genotype Decode
Kinship matrix (I) -- A Matrix
What does MONOELLEIC mean in a GLnexus generated VCF file
Deterministic vs Stochastic.
SNP Filtering - Basic Principles
Is Population Genetics Important For Quantitative Genetics?
ANOVA, simple linear regression and t-test
Why doesn't braker make a prediction in the regions with hints?
Inferring Assembly Quality From Mapping Stats
Genomic Estimated Breeding Values
- 2023
How Should Normalizatin Happen
How to activate mamba in R
- 2022
Ordination - nMDS, PCoA, CA
Yuan 2021 Nature Climate Change
16S otu table corrected for gene copy number
How to merge phyloseqs
nifH database for dada2
2022 JIPB Bai
2014 Koedoe Wigley
2018 Oecologia Wigley
1999 Oikos Protein Competition Model
2015 J of Ecology Trade-offs between physical and chemical carbon-based leaf defence
2016 Oikos Trade-offs between architectural and low nutrient strategies
2019 Nat Commun Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution
Code Snippets
How to build a kraken2 database from scratch
When Conda env Goes Crazy
Running Picrust2 - Advanced
Install and Running Picrust2 - Basic
All that devs
- 2021
How to share a hard disk with other users
- 2020
Confidence scoring in kraken2
from HUMAnN2 to HUMAnN3-Alfa
Hotkey on Macs
- 2019
Lunch Break
The IT Crowd
Sequencing effort for metagenomic studies
- 2018
NMDS plot with drivers
So you have the genome, and you still want the marker genes? II
Stack Overflow
- 2017
So you have the genome, and you still want the marker genes?
Composit Genome
Anna Karenina principle in image classification
How to set up Jupyter with Python 3.6 on a remote sever (Ubuntu 16.04)
Batch process forward and reverse 16s sanger sequences
So you have the metagenome, and you still want the marker genes?
- 2016
itertools for whatever text format
NMDS plot from distance matrix
How to add boostrap value to your tree
Mac OS X
Tree structure
Mean Median and Mode
How To Store Your Data In A Dataframe
Cast Reshap Aggregate and Their Equivalent in Pandas
To See the Unseen
system() Vs. system2()
Ultrametric tree
Python 3.*!
All the applies
zcat vs gzcat
zcat vs gzcat
- 2015
Ice breaker
Blast ouput in xml format
- 2014
KEGG Pathway Analysis via Cytoscape
How to keep your scripts sync on multiple device (using git)
How to get to know a gene
Bioinformatic tools (continuously updated)
Annotate my transcripts