notes (73)
Toastmaster (1)
1paperAday (8)
database (1)
analysis (3)
data analysis (2)
genome annotation (1)
statistics (1)
- notes
- HISAT2 Alignment Statistics
- Probabilities and Log Likelihood
- Tensors, Tokens and Embeddings
- Scaling Law and Power Law
- Foundation Model
- Coalescence Theory
- IBD and IBS
- Base Population and Why It Matters
- Starts and Bars
- Inbreeding Coefficient
- DeepSeek R1 Deployment
- GRM for Family Data
- Kinship matrix (II) -- GRM
- Goodness of Fit
- Model Selection
- LD Prunning
- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
- Heritability and How To Estimate
- One Liners for StatsQuest Fundamentals
- Variance, Covariance, Correlation, Variation and Covariation
- Genotype Decode
- Kinship matrix (I) -- A Matrix
- What does MONOELLEIC mean in a GLnexus generated VCF file
- Deterministic vs Stochastic.
- SNP Filtering - Basic Principles
- Is Population Genetics Important For Quantitative Genetics?
- Genomic Estimated Breeding Values
- How to activate mamba in R
- Ordination - nMDS, PCoA, CA
- Code Snippets
- How to build a kraken2 database from scratch
- When Conda env Goes Crazy
- Running Picrust2 - Advanced
- Install and Running Picrust2 - Basic
- All that devs
- How to share a hard disk with other users
- Confidence scoring in kraken2
- from HUMAnN2 to HUMAnN3-Alfa
- Hotkey on Macs
- Lunch Break
- The IT Crowd
- Sequencing effort for metagenomic studies
- NMDS plot with drivers
- So you have the genome, and you still want the marker genes? II
- Stack Overflow
- So you have the genome, and you still want the marker genes?
- Anna Karenina principle in image classification
- How to set up Jupyter with Python 3.6 on a remote sever (Ubuntu 16.04)
- Batch process forward and reverse 16s sanger sequences
- So you have the metagenome, and you still want the marker genes?
- itertools for whatever text format
- NMDS plot from distance matrix
- How to add boostrap value to your tree
- Mac OS X
- Tree structure
- Mean Median and Mode
- How To Store Your Data In A Dataframe
- Cast Reshap Aggregate and Their Equivalent in Pandas
- To See the Unseen
- system() Vs. system2()
- Ultrametric tree
- Python 3.*!
- All the applies
- zcat vs gzcat
- zcat vs gzcat
- Blast ouput in xml format
- KEGG Pathway Analysis via Cytoscape
- How to keep your scripts sync on multiple device (using git)
- How to get to know a gene
- Bioinformatic tools (continuously updated)
- Annotate my transcripts
- Toastmaster
- Ice breaker
- 1paperAday
- Yuan 2021 Nature Climate Change
- 2022 JIPB Bai
- 2014 Koedoe Wigley
- 2018 Oecologia Wigley
- 1999 Oikos Protein Competition Model
- 2015 J of Ecology Trade-offs between physical and chemical carbon-based leaf defence
- 2016 Oikos Trade-offs between architectural and low nutrient strategies
- 2019 Nat Commun Bulk tissue cell type deconvolution
- database
- nifH database for dada2
- analysis
- 16S otu table corrected for gene copy number
- How to merge phyloseqs
- data analysis
- Inferring Assembly Quality From Mapping Stats
- How Should Normalizatin Happen
- genome annotation
- Why doesn't braker make a prediction in the regions with hints?
- statistics
- ANOVA, simple linear regression and t-test